with Victoria Vail of Divine Leadership™

Move Your Business Forward FAST
With Your Dream Team

Is TeamBuilding 101: The Foundation for Creating Your Dream Team for YOU?


  • Do you spend countless hours doing tasks you KNOW you should be hiring out?
  • Have you had problems with inefficient, unreliable or incompetent virtual assistants?
  • Are you feeling stressed about hiring or leading your team?
  • Do you draw a blank about exactly what tasks to assign, or how you’d even assign these tasks?
  • Have you hired some team members, but haven’t been successful finding the “right” team members for you and your business?
  • Are you tired of hiring team only to have to turn around and fire them because of problems that arise?
  • Have you avoided hiring anyone at all because of the confusion and overwhelm?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions,


  • Who do you hire?
  • How do you hire?
  • Where do find qualified applicants?
  • What can they do for you?
  • How do you delegate these tasks and projects?
  • What questions do you ask during an interview?

If you’ve asked yourself any of these questions, YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!

Read on to see how you can finally get supported, with ease, with your own Dream Team…


This is exactly why I created…

Team Building 101 - Create Your Dream Team

If you have an online, service-based business (i.e. coaching, consulting, healing, education) and are ready to free up more of your time to do the work you love and make more money by hiring the right support or leading your current team more efficiently and effectively, this course is for you!

In just 8 weeks, you’ll discover why your “Dream Team” is the missing link you need in place to move your business forward FAST, and how to create it. With this foundation in place, your business will be on track to receiving stellar support, now and always. You’ll finally feel confident in the basics of hiring, managing and leading your virtual team. It’s time to start running your business like the leader you are, so that your business isn’t running you. This way, you can step away from it without stalling to a halt, knowing it’s in trusted hands, with the right systems in place, so you can take that vacation you’ve been dreaming of without having to be tied to your laptop.

Here’s what you can expect after you complete this 8-week course:

  • Greater confidence and competence to be a true leader of your team.
  • Smart delegation with EASE, to free you up to focus on YOUR gifts, so you can do what you love AND make more money
  • ACTION taken on your individualized 90-day plan
  • Efficient processes and systems (including the right software) to meet your needs
  • A deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader
  • Competence on how to run interviews (with a personal question bank you can always draw from)
  • The ability to provide effective feedback that makes a difference (both positive and negative)
  • A better understanding of applicable legal concerns such as: classification of hires, agreements, and contracts
  • Development and mastery of your team meetings
  • Confidence in setting boundaries and expectations
  • Positive mindset and perspective around the area of team
  • Ideas and methods to attract and manifest the team of your dreams
  • Ability to advertise and hire ideal team members

This course is jam-packed with unique and proprietary content that we haven’t seen anywhere else.

By participating, you’ll likely welcome a new sense of confidence, courage and empowerment around team. In addition, it’ll prepare you with solid framework to hire and lead your own Dream Team, at an optimal level.

This course will create a solid foundation for you and your business. You can finally rest easy and feel prepared around your virtual team. Let’s do this! If you need this, don’t wait!

What’s included in this program?

  • 8 Weekly Training Modules (unique, proprietary content) with PDF docs, templates, fillable forms, worksheets
  • 8 LIVE Trainings, including Q&A time with Victoria (on every module) to address real-time issues that you may face during the course, including recordings
  • LIVE Office Hours scheduled for you to access us, as needed, in-between training calls for processing, questions, and to get you “unstuck” so you can keep the momentum up and move forward in the creation of your Dream Team!
  • 4 Bonus Calls with Victoria’s real-life, current team members that include her business attorney, lead virtual assistant (VA), accountancy company (Certified Public Accountant & bookkeeper), and extensive access to her Online Business Manager (OBM), when appropriate.
  • Exclusive, Private Membership to the TeamBuilding 101 Facebook Community to interact with and receive support from other women with similar issues, while building your team, and beyond. You’re not alone!
  • Secure Membership Site to deliver and store all training materials
  • Access to our ‘Black Book’– these are professional recommendations we can provide who we feel 100% confident referring (for service)

“Victoria’s expertise around team building is invaluable. She accesses her intuition in order to recommend what changes clients need to make in order to get the best outcome. She patiently guided me, step-by-step based on my personality style and she met me right where I was at. This allowed me to move forward in my business and focus even more on profits not process!”

–Josephine Auciello, Founder of Feminine Body Wisdom & Divine Union

“Victoria is a passionate leader fiercely committed to your success. As a visionary, she able to see you and all of your potential. As a former school principal managing schools with over 2000 students, she also knows how to inspire you to take action to make things happen. Her secret sauce is seeing the ways you can leverage your time, energy and resources so that you can continue doing what you love whilst scaling and growing your business with ease. She’s a true gift and you want her in your corner.”

-Siobhan Barnes, Founder of The Neon Society

Juicy, Jam-packed, Informative Bonus Call Guest Appearances with my own DREAM TEAM!

All of these Bonus Calls (Recorded Trainings, Q&As and/or Interviews) will be recorded, and you’ll have immediate access to the recordings.

In addition, you’ll be able to access some of the highlighted professionals (who comprise my own, personal team) via Q&A sessions (either live OR via our private Facebook Group) Of course, you have access to myself and/or either my Lead VA or OBM from the moment you sign up for the course (in the Facebook group, on live group calls, during office hours, and for any 1:1, VIP Sessions that apply) during the course’s entirety.

“Victoria is a leader with compelling intuition. She is able to hold you to your Truth in such a powerful way that prompts you to take action. While you are growing your business you’ll experience feelings of fear, overwhelm and uncertainty and it’s during those times you’ll require a powerful female role model to guide you to your next steps. Victoria embodies a beautiful mix of spirituality and systematized thinking that will support you in developing your team and leading with your heart!.”

-Christine Miskinis, Founder of Rock It Out Woman!

Specials Available Through: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2017 @ Midnight


Available until January 28th, 2018, Midnight, EDT

Receive a FREE, 60-minute Divine Leader™ Session with Victoria to specifically work on one of your most frustrating “Inner Leader” issues. This virtual session is opportunity to laser in and focus on the most significant, nagging issue in your life and business, as of now. You’ll choose an area that may be feeling disempowering to you and your business, something affecting your confidence, slowing your momentum and/or an issue that seems to be holding you back in some way, such as: delegation, boundaries, crafting a courageous conversation, managing your emotions when dealing with team. This is your special, reserved time, and the support will be tailored to meet your unique needs. We’ll deal with it head-on, together, working to remedy some, if not all of the issue at hand.

VALUE: $497



Available until January 28th, 2018, Midnight, EDT

Receive a FREE 40-minute Divine Leadership™ Business Assessment call with our Online Business Manager

In this virtual mini-intensive, you’ll:

  • Take a look at how your business is currently setup and supporting you
  • Discuss how your time is being spent and what activities need your priority focus
  • Explore your goals and desires for the upcoming 30 to 90 days
  • Discuss what your next steps are to ensure you are setup for success

VALUE: $197



Available until January 28th, 2018, Midnight, EDT

$500 Off V.I.P. Upgrade Option

V.I.P Upgrade includes:

  • 5 sessions of highly personalized, private, 1:1 coaching/consulting during the course so you can fully implement what is taught in order to create your Dream Team!
  • SOS Email access throughout the course
  • 1 – 15 minute SOS call
  • Audio recordings
  • Any applicable notes, action plans and/or documents

VALUE: $500


Here’s all the juicy content and goodies you’ll receive:

  • 8 Modules with PDF docs, templates, fillable forms, worksheets, etc.
  • 8 LIVE Trainings including Q&A Time with Victoria
  • Office Hours
  • 4 Bonus Calls with some of Victoria’s Dream Team (Attorney, Accountant, VA & OBM)
  • Facebook Group Community Access
  • Membership Site for delivery of all training materials
  • Access to our “Black Book” for recommendations, when applicable

**Don’t Forget: There’s a V.I.P. Upgrade Option Available**


Okay, get ready….

1 payment of $497


3 payments of $197

This is a steal, and won’t last long!


Do you desire even MORE SUPPORT?

Such as: **Individualized support to get your team up and running, at lightning speed **Tailored guidance to assist you in implementation, and support you while hiring your team members **Access to experts who know TONS about team, who can answer all those nagging questions that no one can seem to answer **Unique perspectives and comprehensive coaching around the deep, inner issues


5 sessions of highly personalized, private, 1:1 coaching/consulting during the course so you can fully implement what is taught in order to create your Dream Team!

SOS Email access throughout the course

1 – 15 minute SOS call

Audio recordings

Any applicable notes, action plans and/or documents

What’s the investment? $1997


*This is an add-on investment. It’s a separate investment from the $497 course itself.

*Private sessions to be scheduled and used as needed during the length of the entire program.






“…you brought an awesome energy along with your fantastic wisdom, leadership and experience… You always gave us the right amount of inspiration and encouragement. I loved that you always had a referral or source for us to check out or contact. I left our sessions feeling back on track with direction, some extra tools along with the support I needed. Victoria, You are a True Leader.”

-Cathy Black, CPCC Founder, Money, Mindset & Soul


Dearest Super Star,

It’s my greatest intention that conscious, heart-centered business owners such as yourself, will thrive–on all levels.

I have a strong desire to see each of you fully step into your “Inner Leader” and create a strong foundation for yourself and your business. I’m excited to witness your success beyond measure, starting with the hiring and authentic leadership of your team to the best of your ability. It’s a true honor to support each and every one of you on this journey in realizing your personal and professional dreams.

victoria sig
P.S. I IMPLORE you to not delay in developing your skills in the area around team. If you don’t choose to receive support from this course offering, or through working with me personally, please find support somewhere. The success of your business, your impact in the world, and the vision you hold closest to your heart depends on it.

What if I have never hired anyone? Will I still benefit from this course?

Absolutely! This course will prepare you to hire with confidence and ease, even if it’s your first time.

What if I have a team already? Will I still benefit?

YES! This course addresses issues that you can apply now and in the future (whether you have team members currently, or not). It can shift your mindset about hiring and managing team and can improve the results you obtain.

I can’t make the live calls, will they be recorded?

Yes. All calls will be recorded and available to you immediately afterward, in the secure membership site.

Can I get a refund if I decide later I don’t want to participate?

No, there are no refunds offered on any portion of payment for the course or upgrade option.

What if I purchase early? Is there anything I can do before the course start date to get my team up and running, start asking my questions, and/or improve the way my team functions now?

YES! Upon purchasing the course, you will receive access to a welcome packet that will allow you to get started right away, and begin creating the team of your dreams! In addition, if you invest in the upgrade offer, you can get on the schedule right away. Slots are already reserved on our calendar to begin supporting you right away, on a personalized 1:1 basis, even before the course begins. So, don’t delay in investing.

Will you recruit and interview VA’s for me to hire for my business?

No, we aren’t a recruiting or hiring service, or a virtual assistant company. We are not human resource specialists. We teach you how to find, interview, hire and lead your own independent contractors.

Do you have referrals for VA’s who I can interview and/or hire?

We teach you how to find, interview, hire and lead your own team members for your business.

Still have questions? No problem!

Contact to get any of your questions or concerns addressed.

UNDECIDED? Read Below….

I am extremely passionate about assisting women in what seems to be one of their BIGGEST challenges in running successful online businesses — hiring and leading team.

A strong team is what’s needed for you to grow your business, realize your vision and generate a more powerful impact on the world-at-large. I am here to show you how to step into your leadership, so you can hire and lead a phenomenal team, which will ultimately enable you to do the work you’re here to do with more ease and influence.

I wholeheartedly desire to assist you in overcoming resistance to hiring and leading your team, and I’m fiercely committed to assisting you implementing a sound plan to get this fundamental part of your business running smoothly.

I desire to have you do this a LOT quicker than I did, with more ease, knowledge and foolproof tips & guidelines that will help you avoid the pitfalls. The information in this course can allow you to move forth with a new perspective and confidence, fully empowered. I love witnessing women entrepreneurs receiving the extensive support they require, so they can more effectively bring their visionary, legacy-type work to the world-at-large.

I’ve spent countless hours figuring out the ‘mysteries’ of hiring and leading my own online virtual team, since my first online business in 2012. I know what it’s like to devote tons of time, money and effort to get a business off the ground. Once I called upon my inner reserves and knowledge, and recognized I actually had a knack for this stuff!

While I gained TONS of knowledge about online business marketing, funnels, and launches, initially, I lacked the specific know-how about hiring in the online arena. It was painstaking! I want to help you avoid these arduous, expensive experiences and mistakes, and avoid the waste of time, loss of momentum, start and stop syndrome, lost dreams and negative toll all of this can take on your confidence and self-esteem. You can avoid all of this! It doesn’t have to be this difficult!

I’ve found online entrepreneurs have a chronic problem leading teams. As a result, many of them are dragging their feet or choosing to drop their business endeavors altogether because they can’t get past this initial hump, and master it.

This PAINS me! It’s unnecessary, and it breaks my heart to see people walking away from their calling, and ditching their dreams.

This is likely one of the biggest forces behind my efforts. I don’t want to see ANYONE suffer needlessly. More importantly, I can’t stand seeing these bright stars consider leaving their passion and unrealized vision of their business, and the corresponding impact it’s supposed to make on their own lives, and the world. One reason several people have considered leaving, or left has been due to team problems.

This is unacceptable to me and I’m taking a stance for women entrepreneurs everywhere to get past this hump, so they can overcome the challenges and growing pains that emerge around virtual teams, finally get the support they require, and grow their businesses, FAST.

I am here to support you. You are not alone. You can learn how to create the team of your dreams! It’s not as tricky as it seems. Don’t suffer in silence or continue to flounder, hiring one VA after another. Let’s do this! It’s time…

I took my knowledge and experience from my former career and began applying it in a systematic way, tweaking it to match the online marketing arena as a freedom-based business owner.

This course is intended to be as quick, easy and graceful as possible. I want you to be fully supported with ANY issues that may come up when dealing with the creation and management of your team. It brings me joy to support women entrepreneurs in this way, breaking through any barriers you may face and navigating you through any roadblocks.

Please listen to my short (5 minute) audio here:



“I have loved working with Victoria on multiple occasions and projects, and am consistently delighted and impressed by her powerful intentions for integrity and heartfelt compassion, her clarity and her passion for excellence. She is truly here to be of service to the world.”

-Elaine Rogoza, Author & the Guide to Manifest Your Book Now

  © 2016-2018 | Victoria Vail International LLC | All Rights Reserved